Program Impacts

Improving College Access for Low-Income Youth

The College Access Corps program placed full time AmeriCorps Members on campuses to recruit college students to serve as College Access Coaches to low-income youth in Washington.


CAC Impact since 2014:

18,733 Youth Served
4,576 College Students Engaged in Service
7,439 Youths Reported Increased Academic Engagement

Improving Educational Equity Through Capacity Building

The WACC VISTA Program recognized the power of campus-community partnerships in improving educational equity for all K-16 students. Through reciprocal partnerships, it developed local and sustainable campus-community programming that leveraged human, financial, and material resources to enhance student outcomes helping students and their families break the cycle of poverty.


VISTA Impact for 2021:

192 Volunteers Served 1,485 Hours
$306,620.20 in Cash & In-Kind Resources Leveraged
49 organizations increased their efficiency, efficacy, and/or program reach.
9,809 youths received services in all focus areas.